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Amazing Tour



From the majestic beauty of Patagonia to the tango-filled streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina offers a captivating blend of natural wonders, delicious cuisine, and passionate culture awaiting exploration.


Here are some things to consider in selecting Argentina as your host country:



The primary language spoken in Argentina is Spanish, with local variations and influences from Italian and indigenous languages.


Visa Requirements

For students studying abroad in Brazil, visa requirements vary depending on nationality and length of stay. Typically, students from outside the EU/EEA need a student visa or residence permit. What documents do I need?

  • A passport photograph
  • A valid passport
  • An acceptance letter to your school of study
  • An EEF Admission Certificate (Accord préalable d'Inscription)
  • An EEF number (ZA21-XXXXX-PXX)
  • Proof of temporary accommodation in France
  • Proof of sufficient funds for your time in France (the equivalent of €615 per month for the duration of your stay in France)
  • Proof of residency in France such as a lease, electricity bill, title of property, etc. for a minimum of three months or a hotel reservation
  • Proof of medical insurance with coverage valid in France
  • A completed visa application form
  • A receipt for your paid visa application fee



In Brazil, transportation options include buses, metro systems, and taxis in urban areas. Many cities offer student discounts on public transportation, making it affordable for students to commute to school, explore the city, and travel around the country.



Brazilian cuisine is diverse, featuring dishes like feijoada (a hearty bean stew), pão de queijo (cheese bread), and churrasco (barbecue). Fresh fruits, such as açaí and tropical juices, are also popular.


Culture and Activities

Visitors can immerse themselves in the rhythms of samba during Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, explore the vast Amazon rainforest, or relax on the stunning beaches of Bahia. From vibrant cities to natural wonders, Brazil offers endless opportunities for cultural enrichment and adventure.



While Brazil offers incredible experiences, travelers should be cautious of street crime, especially in urban areas like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Use reputable transportation services to ensure a safe visit.


What to Bring

Essentials include valid identification, clothing suitable for varying weather, adaptors for electronics, personal toiletries, any necessary medications, and important documents like passports and insurance papers. Additionally, consider bringing a Portuguese phrasebook or language-learning resources for communication ease.


Students should consider studying in France for its rich cultural heritage, prestigious educational institutions, and immersive language experience. With opportunities to explore history, art, and cuisine, studying in France offers a unique and enriching academic and personal growth journey.

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